Our offer to you: 

As a team, we stand behind our customers and represent their interests. Without compromises. Concessions are only made in prior consultation with our customers and we automatically propose solutions to problems. Whether it concerns the acceleration measures or the cost efficiency.


KG Consulting assist you during your Project-plan-phases, mile-stone-planing and cost-controlling. Finance-scheduling and contract-negotiations with your customs and suppliers. 

Except technical issues we support you in all matters of project-management.  


After the planing-phases and the kick-off your project-development may be reasonable be pushed and a clear process-management requires a structured communication flow. 

We help to canalize and stream your processes and workflows to support your team during the project high-phases and report directly to you.


We train your personal and project -team to ensure your project team's growth. Surrounded with a lot of sense for empathy and motivation we lead your team and your project to a story of success.